Methadone Clinics - Montana

Montana is the fourth largest state by total land area and is famous for its mountains and National Parks. Montanans deal with a range of problems that are likewise seen throughout the rest of the country, and one of those problems is opioid addiction. Any resident here in need of opioid addiction treatment should seek help at one of the available methadone clinics in Montana. Their expert medical help can provide patients with a recovery plan that lays the groundwork for lasting sobriety. Search our directory of methadone clinics in Montana by city, to find the closest program to your location. If you notice a clinic missing from the following list of methadone clinics in Montana, please contact us.


Community Medical Services - Kalispell

795 Sunset Boulevard
Kalispell, MT 59901


Community Medical Services - Missoula

715 Kensington Avenue
Suite 4
Missoula, MT 59801

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